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Children’s Ministry

The Children’s Ministry (Formerly called Child Care) division of New Horizons Ministries breaks the generational cycle of incarceration.

Children of incarcerated parents are seven times more likely to go to prison. This is a widespread tragedy that our Children’s Ministry division aims to end. Our methods for breaking the cycle include foster care and community building.

Hi, I’m Willow Brooke!

Hi, I’m Willow Brooke!

By Willow - Former Foster Child I am five years old. I want to tell you a story about how God answered my prayer. When I was two years old, I was still in foster care, waiting to be adopted. I asked my momma if I could have a baby brother. Momma told me, “Let’s pray,...

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Inside Children’s Haven Daycare

Inside Children’s Haven Daycare

By Savannah Knepp – Daycare Supervisor Children’s Haven daycare is tucked in a corner of New Horizon’s Oasis Park.  Monday through Friday, the daycare workers are ready at 7:30 AM to welcome the children, make them breakfast, and get them geared up for another day of...

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Creating a Refuge for Kids

Creating a Refuge for Kids

In the state of Colorado, it is estimated that 5% or 60,000 children have had a parent in prison at some point. Having a parent in prison affects each of these children in a different way, but the impact this has on their lives is immense. Some of the most notable...

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Azaria is Born

Azaria is Born

Azaria is a tiny, beautiful baby girl who was recently born to an incarcerated woman. Her arrival into the world was bittersweet, as her mother was unable to care for her due to her incarceration. Azaria was placed with a foster family from New Horizons, who are...

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Hi, I’m Mallory!

Hi, I’m Mallory!

When I was born, my mother was incarcerated, and she didn’t have anyone who was able to care for me. She chose to put me in the care of a New Horizons foster family, and I was welcomed into a family with two other kiddos and a wonderful mom and dad. I just turned one...

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Serenity is Born

Serenity is Born

Serenity's mother found herself in a situation no mother would want to find herself in — imprisoned while pregnant. Her options were limited, but God had not forgotten her. She was connected to doulas here at NHM who helped her with the birth of her child. We offered...

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Thanksgiving Meals

Thanksgiving Meals

Pictured: A mother and child who are affected by incarceration. This Thanksgiving we delivered eighteen thanksgiving meals to families affected by incarceration. Holidays are difficult times for many children who have a parent in prison. Thank you for your support in...

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