You can help families discover freedom from the destructive prison cycle
Thousands are stuck in a cycle of incarceration. You can help them find their God-designed destiny by getting involved.

In Colorado, nearly 50% of everyone released from prison will return within three years.
Watch Stacie and Nate tell their stories.

This video was originally part of our Summer Impact Livestream. Learn more about our work with incarcerated women and their children here.
Watch Her Video

This video was originally part of our Summer Impact Livestream. Learn more about our work in prison here.
Watch His Video
Watch the interview with DOC Warden Romero
Recently we had the honor of conducting an interview with Department of Corrections Warden Michael Romero. He explains the cycle of incarceration and what he has been doing to help break it.
Through early childhood care and discipleship of inmates the cycle can be broken
Prevent Children From Falling Into a Life of Crime
Children need connection and security. Healthy development during early childhood is essential for a successful life. We achieve that by providing Christ-centered homes for children born to incarcerated women. Our program provides:
- A Christ-Centered Home
- Connection with the Child’s Mother
- Stable Relationships with Household Members
- Emotional Security that Cannot be Taken for Granted

Transform the Lives of Prisoners
The cycle can be broken when men and women in prison find freedom in Christ. Their freedom keeps them and their families out of prison and in the life God built them for. This is done by providing:
- Full-time Chaplaincy Services
- Annual Seminars
- Special Programs
Join the community that is fighting to free men, women, and children from the cycle of prison.
Your commitment to giving ensures that:
- Children with a parent in prison receive care through Foster Families, Kids Clubs, and Summer Camps.
- Men and Women in prison receive the Gospel and discipleship from full-time Chaplains.
- Pregnant moms in prison get support and training through childbirth education, birth assistance, and ongoing mentorship after they are released.

About New Horizons Ministries
Our chaplains are trained and certified by both the Department of Corrections and our own apprenticeship program.
Our financials are independently reviewed and certified by the ECFA & Guidestar.
We are certified by the State of Colorado as a Child Placement Agency.

Hi, I’m Willow Brooke!
By Willow - Former Foster Child I am five years old. I want to tell you a story about how God answered my prayer. When I was two years old, I was still in foster care, waiting to be adopted. I asked my momma if I could have a baby brother. Momma told me, “Let’s pray,...

Matt’s Story
By Chaplain Mark Nissley I met Matt* during a weekend seminar held in the Buena Vista Correctional Facility. He was in a group of thirty prisoners who attended a weekend of teaching, prayer, worship, and fellowship. He seemed withdrawn, defensive, and fearful. Matt...

Learning to be a Father While in Prison
By Jim Swartzentruber - InsideOut Dad Facilitator We have recently completed the 8th InsideOut Dad class in prison, where sixteen prisoners graduated after twelve weeks of class. We had a wide range of social and spiritual backgrounds, from committed believers to...

Walking a Better Path: Todd’s Story of Redemption
By Chaplain Ricky Miller I first met Todd in the Youthful Offenders System five years ago when I started as a chaplain there. He had already accepted Christ while he was in jail, but he was looking for someone to guide him as he deepened his walk with the Lord. Todd's...

The Power of Prison Ministry: Reaching Hearts Behind Bars
In today’s world, where society often focuses on reform and rehabilitation, one aspect that is sometimes overlooked is spiritual healing. Prison ministry stands as a testament to the transformative power of the Gospel, offering men and women in jail hope, redemption,...
Recent News:
- October 28th – A foster family lovingly welcomed a new local foster child into their home.
- Nov. 2nd – Sixteen men joined our fifth InsideOut Dad class held in prison.
- Nov. 3 – 4 – Ascend youth gave programs in three prisons.
- Nov. 4th – We were excited to baptize eighteen men in Buena Vista Correctional Facility.
- Nov 13th – On Fremont County’s Adoption Day, five total children were adopted by two different NHM foster families.
- Nov. 17th – One of our private placements reunited with their family.
- September 30 – Fifty-six men were able to take part in a communion service held in BVCC. (Buena Vista Correctional Complex)
- October 6 – Arlynn and Nina Miller and their family returned from a six-week long tour. They enjoyed connecting with many supporters during their travels.
- October 15 – We were excited to be able to have Piercing Word take a scripture performance into Colorado Territorial Correctional Facility (CTFC). Many men were blessed by the service.
- September 6 – Arlynn, Nina, and their family left for a five-week tour, giving programs throughout eight states.
- September 30 – Our Colorado Springs Thrift Store held a 50% off open house sale. The day was a fun time for both customers and staff!
- A county placement was placed with one of our foster families.
- Mark and Edna Lambright joined our chaplain team.
- August 1-4 – We welcomed nine new staff members to New Horizons, and they went through a four-day orientation.
- August 15 – We held our first Kid’s Club event at the Oasis Community Center.
- August 19 – A group from NHM played softball with prisoners in the Colorado Territorial Correctional Facility (CTCF).
- A workgroup from Gospel Haven spent a week helping catch up on maintenance projects and household sorting for the ministry and thrift stores.
- Nine men were baptized in jail.
- After three years of not playing sports in prison, we were able to have two events in July.