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Chaplain Kendrick Miller Update — Tragedy and more Openness in Prison

Mar, 2023 | Chaplaincy Program, Prison Ministry

As the months move forward, it is hard to see positive change. In the past six months, I have lost three of the young men that I walked with behind bars. I know that I can’t hold onto these things and yet they have a way of draining life and purpose. God, bring your strength.

With that said, I have seen a shift inside the facility. There are many young guys who are open to talking. Many times I find that they are truly seeking to find answers. They want to talk for hours at a time. They have a curiosity to see life from a perspective that they have never seen before.

I’m working with a young guy who has been out for a little over a year and has agreed to go overseas with YWAM. Hopefully, we can help make it happen. It would be a major culture shock for him, but I have no doubt it would change his life. Please pray with us for him. Thank you for your support.

— Chaplain Kendrick Miller

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