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Walking a Better Path: Todd’s Story of Redemption

Oct, 2024 | Prison Ministry

By Chaplain Ricky Miller

I first met Todd in the Youthful Offenders System five years ago when I started as a chaplain there. He had already accepted Christ while he was in jail, but he was looking for someone to guide him as he deepened his walk with the Lord.

Todd’s story is marked by hardship. His father passed away when he was thirteen, leaving him to support his family as best he could while his mother struggled with drug addictions. Eventually, he found himself in prison, caught in a cycle of drugs and theft. When we met, Todd was a new believer, wrestling with what it meant to surrender fully to Jesus as Lord. However, I saw him go from a place of drugs and theft being all he knew to being a person who takes responsibility for his life and provides for his family.

It’s been two years since Todd’s release, and we continue to have a good relationship.  Often, when he has to make a big decision, he will call me, and we will talk about it. Todd has shared his deep appreciation for having someone in his life who shows him a better path to walk. He says that he knows he can trust me and that I will speak honestly with him even if he does not want to hear.

I continue see God’s hand in Todd’s journey. I saw it the day his daughter was born and again recently when he survived a car accident that could have been far worse. God is continually redeeming Todd’s story, leading him toward what is good, true, and lasting.

Please pray for Todd as he learns to quiet the noise around him and focus on what truly matters. Many of his challenges arise when he tries to go at life alone, relying on his own understanding instead of seeking God’s wisdom. Pray that he would find the courage and patience to slow down, listen, and follow the Lord’s guidance.

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